DOB: 06/06/04
AGE: 18
LOCATION: Groomsbridge
OCCUPATION: Full time student, and weekend library assistant. He is resitting his alevels.
SKILLS: Hiding cigarettes, writing
LIKES: Books, comics, history, gothic music, visiting graveyards and getting stared at by rabbits, smoking, rigidly avoiding digital technology
Jack: Nate's older half-sister. Nate often found solice in his sister, as he felt he could let loose from the expectations put on him. As they grew older, their relationship became more distant. Nate doesn't like the person she has become, and mourns their relationship.
Kalvin: Nate's older half-brother by around 10 years. He was the main subject of Kalvin's bullying and taunting, often with the goal of getting him into trouble. Greatly dislikes Kalvin and was glad when he left the family home.
APPEARANCES: Jacqueline's Lonely Apocalypse (mentioned)